How to Get Rid of Scum Lines

While you have been looking at your pool with dissatisfaction from sunscreen build up, it is time to remove scum lines and freshen up the edges.

As you get prepared to clean up the area, check to make sure that the scum line is at or above the waterline. The secret ingredient is a cleaner called Clean & Perfect that you can use to remove scum lines. All you need to do is spray it on the scum line and allow it to sit for 3-5 minutes before you scrub it down with a scrub brush and some elbow grease.

Once you have tried scrubbing it off once and it is not working you can reapply another dosage and use warm water with the scrub brush. You’ll have to keep doing this process until the scum lines are gone. Once you have got the scum line off the pool, you can raise the waterline if you dropped it and get back to swimming without any more worry about that nasty scum line that was bothering you.


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