Choosing Your Pool’s Water System

Chlorine vs. Saltwater Pools

Before it comes time to fill your pool & choose your water system it’s important to educate yourself on your options. Chlorine and saltwater are the two most popular water systems, and while saltwater still contains chlorine, it has a much lower portion. Let’s go ahead and analyze the pros and cons of each.

When it comes to safety…

Saltwater is better for the skin and eyes— a pro for those with sensitive skin or allergies. Chlorine pools can dry out skin and damage the eyes. Chlorine must be stored properly to prevent chemical hazards from occurring. Saltwater pools don’t require the same precautions as chlorine pools do. Regular exposure to heavily chlorinated pools may have underlying side effects and pose health risks, while saltwater does not.

When it comes to cost…

There’s tradeoffs of every deal. Saltwater pools do require a higher initial cost that chlorine pools due to the installation of the saltwater generator, but this cost is paid off over years of little maintenance compared to chlorine. Yearly maintenance sits at $300-$800 for chlorine pools and only $70-$100 for saltwater. That being said, in warmer regions, both water systems need more chlorine to keep clean which increases the overall costs.

When it comes to design & build…

Before choosing one of the two water systems it is important to take note of their effects on the surrounding areas of the pool— including the pool’s construction and landscaping. Saltwater has a greater affect on the pool’s features and overall makeup of the materials, while chlorine does not. The surrounding soil and landscaping may need to be altered when choosing a saltwater pool.

After taking note of these differences, be sure to discuss with your contractor what kind of water system you would like to utilize and generate a plan for maintaining it.


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